STUDIARE SVILUPPO SRL has launched a work contract tender procedure. The Tender is funded by the EU (IsCP Intruments) and is open for the participation to all eligible natural persons or groupings (consortia).
The deadline for receiving the Expression of interested has been postponed to 15th June 2017, h. 17 (Italian time)
Contract title: Tender notice for works for the refurbishment and enhancement of the hosting capacity by doubling it to up to 145 unitsLocation: Iraq
Tender Value: 2.5 million euros
Publication reference: CIG7002806253
Procedure: Restricted
Contracting Authority: STUDIARE SVILUPPO SRL, Via Flaminia 888 – 00191 Roma, Tel +39 0669921659
Referent person: Ms. Manila Marcuccio,
Description of the contract. Refurbishment / restoring or replacement of the existing buildings (prefabs) within a military zone in the nearby of Baghdad in order to improve accommodation, as well as to establish circa 120 containers module for rooms and facilities. The rooms are conceived to host two trainers and sanitary facilities are shared each 2-4 trainers.
Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender is the technically compliant tender with the lowest price.
The deadline for receiving the Proposals has been postponed to 7th August 2017, h. 12 (Italian time)
Full tender dossier for download is provided below.
Contract notice restricted procedure
Corrigendum – contract notice restricted procedure
Updated shortlist of Tenderers
Answers to request for clarification no. 1
Answers to request for clarification no. 2