EUSAIR – Grant Agreement for Italian Chairmanship of the EUSAIR: 3rd EUSAIR Forum and other side events in the context of the IT Chairmanship


19 Gennaio, 2018

The Project EUSAIR – Grant Agreement for Italian Chairmanship of the EUSAIR: 3rd EUSAIR Forum and other side events in the context of the IT Chairmanship, promoted by the European Commission -Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, Directorate European Territorial Cooperation, Macro-regions, Interreg and Programme Implementation I and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Cohesion Policies (PCM – DPCoe) with the support of Eutalia,  is a Grant Agreement co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Italian Chairmanship of the EUSAIR.

The general objective of the Project falls within Communication: the 3rd Forum is meant to spread awareness of the results achieved during the Italian Presidency as well as of the opportunities still to be caught. In particular, the event will present and assess the progress and the achievements of the EUSAIR macro-regional strategy since the 2nd EUSAIR Forum held in Ioannina (GR) in May 2017, and it will ground the definition of the steps towards the successful, effective further implementation of the Strategy in the Region.

Among the specific objectives of the action particularly relevant are the following:

  • Participating stakeholders, potential beneficiaries, academics, entrepreneurs and policy makers at all levels of governance, including the European Commission, representatives of the ESI Funds, and other European Institutions and organisations will be given the opportunity to identify the possibilities for further cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region within the four pillars of the Strategy, and also within the cross-cutting issues of the EUSAIR (e. Innovation and SMEs, and capacity building in the Region);
  • Ample possibilities of networking for a wide range of stakeholders from the Region, including national, regional and local administrations, the business sector, the academia and the civil society at large.

A special focus will be devoted to Connectivity and this not only because Italy is responsible of the said Pillar, but also because it is functional to the appropriate implementation and successful development of the three Pillars completing the Strategy.

In the framework of the Italian Chairmanship of the EUSAIR, this action also includes two other side events in accordance with DG REGIO.

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