Institutional Strengthening of the Moroccan Ministry of the Communication and its partners operating in the field of communication and audiovisual

casablanca et ses toits aux antennes satellite

9 Ottobre, 2018

The Italian Communications Regulatory Authority AGCOM , supported by Eutalia, junior partner of the project together with the Ministry of Culture – Generalitat de Catalunya and Expertise France The French public agency for international technical assistance together with the French Ministry of Culture lead partner of the project, are the national institutions responsible for the implementation of the Twinning project “Renforcement institutionnel du Ministère de la Communication et de ses partenaires de la communication et de l’audiovisuel”.

The Beneficiary Authorities are the Moroccan Ministry of Communication, the Moroccan Cinema Center (CCM), the Higher Institute for Information and Communication (ISIC) and the Higher    Institute    for    Audiovisual   and    Cinema    professions (ISMAC)

The overall objective of this project is to provide institutional strengthening to the communication and audio-visual sectors with a view to improve the environment and the conditions for sector development, while maximizing its contribution to the social, economic and cultural development process in Morocco.

More specifically, the project’s purpose is:

  • Strengthening the professional capacity of the Ministry of Communication, the CCM, the ISIC and the ISMAC
  • Supporting the adaptation of these institutions to new sector ICT led evolutions through training, methodological and technical support
  • Contributing to the improvement of the regulatory and professional environment in line with EU best practices

EU  institutions  in  the  communication  and  audio-visual  sectors  have  faced,  in  the  past, several challenges such as liberalisation, modernisation with the implementation of various ICT technologies which have shaped the landscape of a new media, cinema and audio-visual environment. Morocco is now facing the same challenges, led by a global trend and has to adapt its human, technical and financial resources to the new requirements and standards of these industries worldwide.

The Twinning project for institutions in the communication and audio-visual sector in Morocco with similar institutions in EU member States would, therefore, greatly benefit the Kingdom through a transfer of skills, best practices, methodologies, technical advices all leading to an institutional strengthening aiming at supporting Morocco in its path towards reaching EU standards in these fields, while supporting the process of legal approximation towards EU regulations.

To this end, the Twinning is focusing on implementing a large array of activities in areas such as:

  • Strategic planning and structuration
  • Evaluation and auditing of pedagogical programs
  • Training on specific professional topics
  • Strengthening pedagogical programs
  • Promoting participation to an international network of audio-visual schools
  • Technical advice and training for the acquisition of technological equipment
  • Training and advice on archive storage

Through the implementation of this standard institutional Twinning project, the Twinning partners are seeking to reach the following results:

  • Consolidation of sector strategic programming
  • Strengthening of specific skills for sector management and support
  • Strengthening the educational, technical and technological skills of ISIC and ISMAC
  • Strengthening the competencies of the Ministry of Communication and the CCM and technical tools in the preservation of archives

Eutalia is supporting AGCOM  in drafting the Project proposal, the work plan and budget and, in its role of Mandated body, is responsible for administrative and logistics support as well as contractual, administrative and financial management during contract implementation.

The Project budget is 1.5 mln EUR and its duration is 24 months.

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