Technical assistance for development of the Border Management roadmap and execution of a border gate survey in Turkey – 2010 -2012

Technical assistance for development of the Border Management roadmap and execution of a border gate survey in Turkey – 2010 -2012

17 Marzo, 2016

The overall objective of the project (3 meuro) is to develop and strengthen the Turkey’s legal, institutional and technical capacity for alignment with EU’s integrated border management (IBM) policy and to support the Turkish Government in transforming the current border management to an integrated one by detailing the Action Plan in the form of a roadmap and ensure further development of border management architecture and standards in line with EU’s IBM policies and strategies, in order to guarantee a smooth and efficient flow of goods and passengers while maintaining border surveillance. Therefore, the project has significant impact and implications for a variety of sectors from commerce to public order and to national security.

The specific purpose of the project are:

  • improvement of blue and green border surveillance and border check practices in compliance with EU acquis and best practices,
  • making recommendation for putting in place the necessary structures and capacity for an efficient border management system in line with EU IBM standards, as well as strengthening the checks at the Border Check Points (BCPs) and the control along the blue and green borders by exploring necessary technology, a good IT structure and models of cooperation, information sharing, communication management and the use of infrastructure between border management institutions in Turkey.

Eutalia, in cooperation with the Italian Customs administration, was in charge of the Customs Component (600.000 euro) specifically related to performing a comprehensive gap analysis between the EU best practices and existing system in Turkey on border management, formulate a roadmap for needed assistance and drafting the project fiches (technical assistance and twinning) for the most immediate needs identified.

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