Supporting the Royal Department for Environment Protection and Tourism in enforcing environmental and tourism laws effectively in Jordan – JO 20 ENI EN 01 21

Waving flag of Jordan and

12 Luglio, 2022

The Italian consortium of the Twinning Project Supporting the Royal Department for Environment Protection and Tourism in enforcing environmental and tourism laws effectively in Jordan – JO 20 ENI EN 01 21 is composed by three partners: Arma dei Carabinieri leading the project implementation, in view of its specific characteristics, skills and assets, both in terms of international police cooperation experience and of EU similar projects implementation experience, the Metropolitan City of Florence providing the experience of a main Italian city in the field of cultural heritage management, protection and promotion, thus bringing a concrete and unique added value to the offer in terms of expertise and knowledge gained in decades and Eutalia as Mandated Body, ensuring the smooth financial, administrative and logistics management of the project.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the law enforcement capacities of the Royal Department for Environmental Protection and Tourism (RDEPT) at the regional level.

The specific objectives are the following:

  • to Strengthen RDEPT’s institutional framework and capacities in environmental and tourism policing, in line with EU Best practices. This objective will work toward reviewing, developing and adopting a strategic plan
  • to build awareness on environmental aspects in Jordan, including environment protection and prevention of damage to the cultural and historical heritage: in order for the RDEPT to work effectively and deliver the required environmental and tourism policing, it is important to view, discuss and develop the outreach and public relation strategy building on case studies and best practices from the EU

The project, is composed of two components, has a budget of 1 mln euros and a duration of 18 months.

The main Jordanian counterpart is represented by the Royal Department for Environment Protection and Tourism, Public Security Directorate.

Gen. Nicola Conforti, Deputy Head of the 2nd Department of the Carabinieri Headquarter, is the Italian Project Leader.

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