Strengthening the regulatory capacity of Israel in the field of telecommunications, with a focus on service provision over networks owned and operated by others

The antennas with blue sky on the sunset time.

12 Ottobre, 2018

The Italian Communications Regulatory Authority AGCOM, supported by Eutalia, is lead partner of theTwinning project “Strengthening the regulatory capacity of Israel in the field of telecommunications, with a focus on service provision over networks owned and operated by others” together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Federal Network agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Postal Markets and Railway (BNetzA), and the Latvian Public Utilities Commission (SPRK) as junior Member State partners.

The project is financed by the European Union in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and the Beneficiary Authorithy is the Ministry of Communication MoC.

The overall objective of the Twinning Project is to contribute to improve procedures for regulating service provision over networks owned and operated by others, to develop a broad market surveillance system in order to frequently and regularly check the implementation of the licensing conditions covering all components of the electronic communications market and to review and improve the legislative framework and regulatory capacity in accordance with EU MS best practices and with the review of the EU framework in the telecom and audiovisual sectors.

The Project budget is 1.5 mln EUR and its duration is 21 months.

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